In 1995 she stared taking drawing lessons in Reykjavík School of Visual Art and later she studies at the Art...
The Icelandic nature with its powerful contrast of ice and fire has been the main inspiration in my art creation...
What inspires her most in her work, and is the driving force, is the creation and the power of all...
The Icelandic landscape and nature have been the main inspiration for Ingibjög's paintings. The bright and constantly changing light that...
Fine art photography Great photography tells stories. The work of Johann Smari Karlsson is thick with narrative, with a sense...
„Litlu máli skiptir fyrir íslensku listakonuna Jóhönnu V Þórhallsdóttur hvort hún málar mynd af manneskju eða landslagi. Hún er jafnvíg...
María Karlsdóttir Myndlist og handverk hefur heillað mig frá því að ég var lítil stelpa og ég hef alltaf unnið...
“Rut Ragnarsdóttir is a versatile artist and skilled goldsmith. She began her artistic journey at Tækniskóli School of General Academic...
Ása is a trained ceramic designer from Myndlistaskóli Reykjavíkur, having completed her diploma there in 2012. She runs the...
I am an aArtist and Graphical Designer. I studied at the Icelandic Academy of Art in the year 1986 and...
My entire life i have been completely consumed by art. Some people write colums in newspapers and blogs or comment...
Icelandic nature combined with traveling the country has alway captivate her. Therefore much of her inspiration comes from shapes, colors...
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